Monday, January 28, 2008

Republicday Event


Good to hear that the Republicday event went on better than the actual plan.

Cant stop thanking Bhaskar and Shakeer for their time and for the way they have organized everything.

It was organized at BASAVA RAJA Govt High School, Punganur, Chittor Dist, AP.
They started off with all the packets of clothes directly to the school and were well received by the school staff with Bhaskar and Shakeer being special guests.
As Head of institution requested , Bhaskar addressed the gathering on behalf of REVOLUTIONS in inspirational way. Finally School uniforms were distributed to Fifteen student who are poor and intelligent.

Happy to see the photos although i would have been more than happy if i were a part of this very good event.

We shall come up with a similar events every month along with the progress of the registration.

Thanks all for your support.
Also like to thank Suresh who as a old student of the same school, supported REVOLUTIONS by reducing the stitching fee by great amount.



Abbas said...

I am proud of you guys who have taken this great initiative. Its an outstanding effort.
It gives me an immense pleasure to share this blog with my friends. Keep up the good work buddies. I am very eager to join this team. Looking forward to work with you.

Diwakar said...

Thanks Abbas,

You are always ready to join hands with us. Looking forward for your ideas too.
