Monday, October 20, 2008

One More Step Forward

Vinod Kumar and Reddy Prasad, siblings, are in 10th and 9th Standards of Arogya Matha School. Its very sad to know that their father passed away recently and her mother left them and fled (for reasons known best to her). They are now staying with their grandparents.

Luckily the school management somehow came to know about our team "REVOLUTIONS" and enquired if someone from us could help them with their school fees.Hitendra, who was a old student from that school came forward to help them when he heard of this. This Saturday we went to school and paid the fees for the complete year, The kids were so happy to hear this.

Probably next week, we are planning to meet the kids one more time and decided to tell them that we will sponsor for their next year academics as well if they do well in their exams this year.

Would like to thank Hitendra who came forward to help these kids as soon as we approached.